i'm alright... i guess

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Sorry for not updating; sometimes i lose all inspiration to pen down thoughts on cyberspace. Seriously though, blogging isn't all that interesting anymore. But just for the sake of it, lemme write down some shit for all you out there who still read this.

The school holidays are a bore. Everyday goes on by without any interesting event. Now that odac stuff is all over, I feel the pain of schoolwork catching up with me; therefore I've more or less confined myself at home trying to go through the endless chapters of functions all the way to screwy integration. fux.

I'm trying out several different approaches to mugging, namely: trying not to fall asleep and trying to fall asleep while mugging. There are certain things that never fail to put me to sleep such as the economist magazine which serves as a very bedtime story whenever i need to conk out for a power nap. Just today I read 2 articles and promptly fell asleep at the desk. ><

Whenever I'm not pretending to study I find myself playing guitar or surfing youtube lol. Gotta find a way to ban myself from doing those stuff. But sometimes cannot la, fingers itchy and just need to play something. I figure that playing with the guitar is better than playing with the computer or myself lol. So no choice right? Don't fault me for dissipating excess energy on conducive hobbies.

Recently I visited teo-n-teoh and came across a certain video that I got hooked unto. Quite bad la because of all the obscenities in it but heck la. Been trying to figure out all the bass notes on the electric lol. Next time if I have another gig can try singing it. But until then, I'll be working to try to buy some stuff such as a distort and wah pedal. Either that or i'll save up to buy a good guit. Argh no cash lol @#$**!


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